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Boundary Review Committee

The Boundary Review Committee is composed of parents and school administrators from each school in the district. The Committee is reviewing community input and is analyzing potential boundary review scenarios for public input. You can find meeting resource information here.

Committee Charge and Guiding Principles

The Boundary Review Committee is charged with:
Working to identify, refine and review proposed updates to school attendance area boundaries to support long-term balanced enrollment and facility capacity for the 2022-2023 school year and beyond. The committee will engage with the public during open houses in the fall to receive feedback on their boundary scenarios. The committee will provide a recommendation to the Superintendent during the last committee meeting. The Superintendent will be responsible for evaluating the Committee’s recommendation and bringing a proposal forward to the Centennial School District Board of Directors in early 2022. Committee members may be asked to participate in the Board Meeting.

Guiding Principles
Core values serve as guiding principles for the development of the Committee boundary scenarios. These are developed from Board Policy on School Attendance Areas (JC), insights gained from land use studies, student enrollment forecasting and community survey results. A student is expected to attend the school designated for the geographic attendance area in which they reside, as stated in Board Policy JECC.

When considering boundary proposals, the Boundary Review Committee will consider, to the extent possible, the following guiding principles.

The Board recognizes that there are multiple factors to consider in satisfying the objectives of a boundary adjustment. Those factors may include:

  • Student body composition;
  • Current and future availability of space at a school;
  • Feeder patterns from elementary, middle to high school; and
  • Neighborhood proximity and accessibility

Additional criteria include:

  • Take a District-wide perspective by considering growth trends and enrollment forecasts.
  • Develop attendance area boundaries that work to balance school capacities across all schools.
  • Minimize disruption and impacts to special programs or special populations (e.g., socio-economically impacted, English language learners, students receiving special education services).
  • Consider transportation impacts, make efforts to maximize proximity to home/walkability and safety, and work toward limiting the amount of time students are on a bus.
  • Viewing boundaries with an equity and demographic lens.

Boundary Review Committee

Committee Members:

Parent Representatives

  • Christina Bristol
  • Daniel White
  • Denise Chienku
  • Jen Riedl
  • Jessica Bland
  • Josh Grover
  • Junior Falepapalangi
  • Nicole Blue
  • Rebecca Congdon
  • Rosalia Terjo Quevedo
  • Tisha Lechuga
  • Victor Melnic

School Administrator Representatives

  • Gayle Imran-Sideris
  • Jeb Hubbs
  • Jeffrey Cerveny
  • Johanna Castillo
  • Jorge Meza
  • Laura Nixon
  • Lisa Clingan
  • Marin Miller
  • Terry Schloth

Board Liaisons and District Administrators and Staff:

  • Jess Hardin and Pam Shields - Board Liaisons
  • James Owens - Superintendent
  • Dr. Tasha Katsuda - Asst. Superintendent/Director of Human Resources
  • Paul Southerton - Director of Business and Operations
  • Kassie Swenson - Chief Communications Officer
  • Denise Wright - Student Services Director
  • Sean Schroeder - Transportation Supervisor
  • Ada Fonseca - Spanish Interpreter
  • Maria Aguirre Cardenas - Spanish Interpreter