August 2021
Bond Project highlights at Centennial High School
This week we are excited to highlight the updates and improvements taking place at Centennial High School (CHS) with the passage of the $65 million bond passed by voters in 2020.
The wood floors in the CHS main gym were stripped, sanded, repaired, sealed, and striped. The striping included a large center Eagles logo. In addition, CHS is receiving roof repairs, which are nearing completion, and 6 new tennis courts to replace the existing tennis courts. These courts are scheduled to be finished this fall and will have improved drainage, ADA accessibility, lighting, and a modern cushioned surface.
Future CHS bond projects (to take place next Spring and Summer) will include:
-Mechanical system and controls improvements
-Replacement lighting
-Expanded safety & security systems (access and cameras)
-Pool building repairs
Bond projects continue to progress: Pleasant Valley Elementary School benefits from new flooring
Bond projects continue to progress forward as we are getting ready for the school year to begin! Pleasant Valley Elementary School received new flooring throughout the building as part of the many construction projects taking place with the passage of the $65 million bond passed by voters in 2020. The new flooring at Pleasant Valley Elementary School includes classrooms, the front office spaces, and the media center.
Promises Made, Promises Kept: CSD 2020 Bond Updates
If you’ve passed by many of our school buildings recently, you may have noticed construction taking place as part of the passage of the $65 million bond passed by voters in May, 2020.
Projects occurring this summer include:
• Extensive Roof Repairs at Centennial High School, Centennial Middle School, and Oliver Elementary
• Tennis Court Replacement at Centennial High School
• New tracks at Oliver & Centennial Middle School
• Extensive Flooring and Hazard Abatement at Pleasant Valley, Oliver & Centennial Middle School
• Gym Floor Refinishing at Centennial High School, Centennial Middle School, and Oliver
Additional projects we will be completing over the next 15 months:
• New Gymnasium Groundbreaking at Meadows, Patrick Lynch,
• Parklane, and Powell Butte Elementary Schools
• Extensive Centennial High School Pool repairs
• Security Improvements at all schools
• Lighting and Energy Improvements at all schools
• Ventilation and Mechanical Improvements at all schools
• Site Drainage Improvements at all schools
We want to again thank voters for supporting the bond. Your investment in our facilities will pay dividends for our students, families and the entire community for decades to come.
January 2024
Centennial schools are receiving updates to their exterior lighting across the buildings and parking areas to ensure that these areas are well-illuminated.
Recently, Centennial High School welcomed 36 new dual-purpose LED illuminated safety bollards as part of the recent safety and security exterior lighting improvement components to the school.
The fixtures were funded as part of the voter-approved 2020 Bond below-the-line projects. The new bollards replaced the previous failing and broken exterior fixtures in front of the main entrance, auditorium, pool, and gymnasium.
November 2023
Keeping Students and Staff Safe-Bond Dollars Fund Exterior Lighting
Centennial School District strives to create safe, secure and aesthetically pleasing facilities for our students, staff and visitors. And most recently, Centennial schools received updates to their exterior lighting across the buildings and parking areas to ensure that these areas are well illuminated. The fixtures were funded as part of the voter-approved 2020 Bond below-the-line projects.
The District mounted exterior lighting fixtures across the schools and offices to illuminate the walking paths and parking lots across the front and rear of buildings. As you know, reliable exterior lighting is an essential part of school safety for our facilities. When done properly, exterior lighting provides students, staff and guests with peace of mind during the evening hours. Critical variables were considered with the selection and installation of the lighting, including square footage, ground coverage and locations.
August 2023
Summer at Centennial School District was quite busy for our District.
Throughout the summer months, capital construction projects were in full swing with Bond, non-Bond, and ESSER work throughout the District including:
- Stadium Complex Improvements - Phase I (non-bond funded except track resurfacing)
- All-weather turf field
- Seismic and safety improvements to the stadium
- Parking and sidewalk improvements
- Upgrades to the public restrooms and team rooms
- Bus parking relocation
- Track resurfacing (bond funded)
- CHS Cafeteria Improvements
- Elementary Gyms (Meadows, Parklane, Patrick Lynch and Powell Butte Elementary)
July 2023
Capital construction projects continue in full force across the district with Bond, non-Bond, and ESSER work
With students and staff largely out of most buildings, summer is one of the best times to access the buildings and make headway on intrusive construction projects.
Bond Projects
- Finishing the four new gymnasiums and associated adjoining school projects such as finishing roofing repairs and security upgrades,
- Security improvements,
- As well as the additional Bond projects we were able to fund despite a challenging construction environment, record inflation, supply chain issues and after fulfilling all promises to voters and community members.
These additional projects include:
- New single occupancy restrooms at CHS,
- Cooling for the 20 classrooms in two-story addition CMS,
- Exterior lighting improvements across the District,
- Additional tier 2 roofing repairs at Butler Creek, Pleasant Valley, and CHS,
- Butler Creek boiler replacement, and
- CHS Intercom replacement.
All of these updates are possible in part to the continued support from our community and voters who passed the 2020 Bond, and our dedicated school board and their relentless efforts to provide better learning environments for our students and staff.
June 2023
The Centennial School District Bond Oversight Committee (BOC) held their final meeting for the 2023 school year on Thursday, June 8, 2023 from 5:00pm to 8:00pm, visiting three school across our district to receive a quarterly update of the 2020 Bond projects.
The BOC kicked off at Centennial High School (CHS), where committee members learned all about the most recently completed and installed security cameras, secure vestibules and track resurfacing. At Centennial High School, committee members learned about the newly installed secure vestibules, adding a layer of protection for our stents and staff. The vestibules are enclosed and have two sets of double doors each for students during morning and afternoon operating hours and locked between during the day, directing foot traffic to check in with our front office teams.
Committee members were also able to view first-hand the up-to-date security features the 360˚ cameras offer to keep our student and staff safe at Centennial High School and other Centennial schools. The cameras are connected as a centralized network that provide video monitoring across the school inside and out.
The final stop at CHS was at the high school stadium to view the progress of the athletic field upgrades. At this time, much of the construction is happening, and our contractor’s representative, Scott Rose, from Emerick Construction Company, was present to share with the committee details of the current costs and project timeliness each project is expected advance over the summer.
And as a reminder, with the exception of the track resurfacing, the stadium facilities upgrade project will not use 2020 Bond money. Those projects will be completed through the CSD Board Reserve Fund, dedicated to one-time expenses such as facility improvements.
As mentioned in the May issue of my update, we are visually tracking the progress of the Centennial Stadium Complex thanks in part to the TrueLook Camera installed by Emerick Construction company, which captures high-resolution photos every ten minutes and can be viewed here. If you are interested in learning more, visit the Facility Updates page on our website linked here.
Meanwhile, at Centennial Middle School (CMS) and Meadows Elementary School the BOC committee reviewed the construction updates to each of the school’s entrances and security cameras. Plus, while at CMS, the attendees were also directed to view and learn about the mechanical improvements and air conditioning systems installed in the 400 and 500 wings of the school. Rose also kept us up-to-date on our elementary gymnasium where work is moving at a steady pace.
April 2023
The Centennial School District (CSD) Bond Oversight Committee (BOC) completed and submitted their annual report for the general public, educational community, and CSD Board. The annual report compiles data and details of the work completed and in progress during the 2022 year.
Since its inception in 2019, volunteers have dedicated many hours to actively monitor the CSD 2020 Bond program and reporting to the Centennial Community on its progress.
The Committee shares an unwavering support to the District and vision, where each and every student is seen, and feels connected, valued and supported. This is the second BOC Report of its kind. Visit the BOC webpage for more information and to view reports, minutes, and agendas.
March 2023
Pleasant Valley Elementary School brick laying is now complete
The project is part of the seismic improvement grant the District received from the State of Oregon. Centennial was awarded a $2.5 million Oregon Seismic Improvement Grant for Pleasant Valley to rehabilitate the original structure to meet current seismic safety standards. This grant was coupled with other masonry repair bond dollars to improve safety at the school. The design included engineer-testing of the foundation. Construction activity started during the spring 2022. Much of the building's brick and roofing was repaired or replaced, but the architecture largely remained the same. Centennial selected a similar color pattern and texture as close to the original brick as possible.
Additional work continues across our other Centennial elementary schools too - including floor abatements at Meadows, Parklane, Butler Creek, Patrick Lynch, Powell Butte and Pleasant Valley. Meadows received a much needed lighting system across the school's interior. Patrick Lynch now has an improved parking lot. Pleasant Valley received new lighting, an updated gym floor, and most importantly, needed replacement and repairs to the school's roof. And as Oregonians we know how much a strong, leak-proof roof are with all the rain and strong winds we have in the area!
Dozens of projects are now complete, and others continue to progress or are near completion.
December 2022
CSD Bond Oversight Committee Visit Schools to Observe Continued Bond Progress before end of 2022
The Centennial School District (CSD) Bond Oversight Committee (BOC) held its quarterly meeting Thursday, December 1, 2022 and members toured several CSD sites, including Pleasant Valley Elementary, Powell Butte Elementary, and Centennial High School to view progress and hear other 2020 Bond project updates.
During their first stop at Pleasant Valley Elementary, BOC members received updates about improvements to the building’s intercom system, interior lighting, and the security vestibule. Additional seismic improvements continue at the school including replacement of the building’s exterior brick walls, to match as closely as possible in color, pattern and texture as the building’s original brick, which was highlighted in the Bond Updates of the Spring 2022 Report to the Community issue linked here.
Next, the Committee gained insight into Powell Butte Elementary, where they could see up-to-date improvements made at this school, including an updated intercom system, new lighting, fire alarm system, and flooring.
The Committee's final stop was Centennial High School which showcased the recently finished pool, with refreshed paint and utility hardware, and tiling across the entire pool interior. The pool also features a newly repaired concrete deck, and new plumbing system. Committee members welcomed the news with much excitement especially since this was the first revamp of the facility in over 20 years. The pool opened just a few weeks ago and students are using it for swim practice. Their first swim meet in the newly renovated pool happened on Thursday, December 8, 2022.
At the end of the school tours, the BOC received additional status updates on various 2020 Bond projects including safety and security systems upgrades, mechanical system improvements, and the construction of the four elementary school gyms.
We appreciate our committee members for their continued dedication in monitoring the progress of the 2020 Bond projects and for serving as a valuable conduit to the Board and community to share progress about the 2020 Bond.
To learn more about the role of the Bond Oversight Committee, view meeting agendas and packets, visit the Bond Oversight Committee page here.
To watch a short video of Dec. 1, visit click here.
COMING SOON: There will be ribbon cuttings for the Centennial High School pool and the four new elementary school gyms (Meadows, Parklane, Patrick Lynch, and Powell Butte). Dates and more details will be announced soon!
November 2022
Bond Updates and Facilities Planning Update Committee Recommendation
As the school year progresses, so does the construction of many of the Centennial 2020 Bond projects, thanks to voters' support of the bond! Centennial’s Long Range Facilities Planning work continues as we reflect on what we’ve accomplished so far and look forward to the future to ensure our buildings are sufficiently maintained and serve as safe, modernized learning environments for our students and staff.
2020 Bond Progress
We are excited to share an update on the Centennial Pool! As you’ll see in some of the photos below, the rebuilding of the pool including the shell of the pool, decking, and mechanical work is complete, the pool is filled, and the finishing touches of this project are coming together.
Additionally, the elementary gym projects are moving forward with much anticipation! At Patrick Lynch and Meadows Elementary schools, the gyms are coming along nicely - the brick has been completed, metal siding work will start soon, and interior finishes including wood floors and painting have begun. The gym projects at Parklane and Powell Butte Elementary are also making headway with framing nearing completion and the starting of wallboard installation.
Other improvements underway include District wide security improvements, roof repair and replacement with added insulation to help with thermal control at Parklane Elementary, exterior brick replacement at Pleasant Valley Elementary, and reworking the playground area at Oliver to support the middle school program.
To learn more about the Centennial 2020 Bond and process, visit the 2020 Bond Page. You can also view the Bond Project Updates page to view additional photos and 2020 Bond page here.
Long Range Facilities Planning Update
Centennial School District continues its well defined process for long range facilities planning and an update was recently provided at the November 9 School Board Meeting.
As you may know, in 2018 the Long Range Facilities Planning Committee identified over $103 million in facility needs through an extensive review process. In 2020, voters approved a $65 million bond that is helping address many facility improvements.
The Facilities Plan Update Committee report provided at the Nov. 9 Board meeting focused on what has been accomplished with the 2020 Bond and assessment of current needs for facilities improvements to address immediate, short-term and long-term needs with immediate needs being considered as potential additional Bond projects, after all original bond promises are kept and projects completed.
Stakeholder input informed the recommendation. Beginning this past summer, the DLR Group collected feedback during listening sessions and workshops with principals, community members, educators and district leaders. The workshops asked three questions: What stands out as priorities? What other issues need to be addressed? What are you hearing from the community? Needs were identified based on their priority of immediate, short-term and long-term. For short-term needs, key themes that emerged focused on:
- Maintaining Assets (i.e. additional roofing repairs, plumbing upgrades, additional door & window replacement);
- Safety and Security (i.e. exterior lighting, additional intercom replacement, additional fire alarm systems replacement, security fencing and more individual student bathrooms); and
- Educational Supports (i.e. classroom technology upgrades, electrical system capacity improvements). A wide range of long-term school improvements were identified including Career and Technical Education, early learning, welcoming spaces, and more.
From this feedback process, the Committee prepared a Facilities Recommendation, including immediate projects that could be added to Bond work, for the Centennial School Board’s consideration. The Board approved the recommendations during the Nov. 9 meeting.
Sept 2022
Bond Updates and Bond Oversight Committee
Numerous construction projects continue across several Centennial School District campuses that are part of the 2020 voter-approved $65 million bond. Throughout the summer, several local-area contracted construction crews worked to improve, build, and repair facilities, buildings, and equipment across Centennial schools. And while several projects were completed just in time to welcome students on the first day, other projects continue throughout, as Centennial works to improve campuses so our students can have safe and secure learning environments.
The bond included converting and repurposing Oliver Elementary School into our second district middle school, which officially opened its doors this school year welcoming nearly 500 students. Principal Jeb Hubbs and his middle school team were excited to provide students with a new school with various new updates and amenities including a new media center, main entrance vestibule for student and staff safety, as well as new LED lighting across the campus.
Meanwhile, Meadows Elementary School is also seeing updates and construction. The new gymnasium is well underway and has had visible construction progress throughout the summer. At Patrick Lynch Elementary School, night crews continue their work to improve and repair lighting, floors, the gymnasium, and the parking lot.
Thus, as construction continues, the Centennial Bond Oversight Committee members continue their review progress meetings of the 2020 Bond. They most recently met on Thursday, Sept. 15, to review the construction progress of the Centennial High School swimming pool and tennis courts, where Owner’s Representative Scott Rose and Director of Business & Operations, Paul Southerton, provided the committee with the most recent updates. The committee also visited Centennial Middle School and Patrick Lynch Elementary school, where they were able to view and learn more about campus improvements at each school. The team visited the new school media center and a science classroom at Centennial Middle School, learning about the in-and-outs of the construction process and timelines. While at Patrick Lynch, they were able to view learn about the continued progress of the school gymnasium, flooring, and parking lot improvements, as well as additional updates.
July 2022
Fire Alarm Systems
Progress on safety and security projects at our schools continues throughout the summer, which includes new fire alarm systems at five of our schools: Oliver Middle School and Meadows, Parklane, Patrick Lynch, and Powell Butte elementary schools. Thanks to the community’s support of the 2020 Bond, these fire alarm system upgrades will continue to support safety and security at these schools.
Window Replacement at Oliver Middle School
As part of the Oliver Middle School conversion, windows are being replaced in all classroom and office areas. These new windows will result in improved weather resistance and greater energy efficiency. Operable panes will still be a part of the window system to support airflow and ventilation. Thank you, voters, for supporting the 2020 Bond that’s supporting the Oliver Middle School conversion and other bond projects across the district.
Enhancing Safety and Security at Our School Sites
Various safety and security updates are happening across the district this summer. The 2020 Bond supports the creation of “secure vestibules” at school sites that don’t currently have one. These vestibules create a more secured space at the building’s entrance, resulting in greater safety and security. In this photo below, you’ll see construction occurring at Centennial Middle School to construct a secure vestibule and canopy at their front entrance. For a complete list of the various safety and security projects happening at each of our school sites, visit our 2020 Bond webpage, scroll down to “Projects for Each School”, and click on the school.
June 2022
Mechanical Upgrades Continue Across the District
Thanks to our community’s support of the 2020 Bond, mechanical work continues in an effort to create more comfortable spaces for our students and staff, and greater energy efficiency throughout the Centennial School District. The District has hired many local contractors to perform mechanical repairs and system controls replacement across the district. Pictured below is mechanical work at Powell Butte Elementary where a new digital controls system, along with work on the mechanical system, will improve temperature regulation and ventilation levels. Additionally, it will improve efficiency in the long term for maintenance personnel who will be able to better diagnose performance issues.
Bond Oversight Committee Meets to View and Discuss Bond 2020 Progress
On Monday, June 13, 2022, Bond Oversight Committee (BOC) members met to review the progress of the 2020 Bond. The group started their meeting with tours of Pleasant Valley Elementary, Meadows Elementary, and the soon-to-be Oliver Middle School. After touring the three schools, they met to discuss a series of updates on topics such as grants, budget, community engagement, and the status of various projects. To learn more about the BOC’s role, review their meeting materials, and more, visit here.
Oliver’s Media Center Nears Completion
The new media center at Oliver Middle School is nearing completion. With newly painted walls, bookcases and circulation desk now installed, and hung ceiling, the space is coming together nicely! Flooring arrives this week and furniture will arrive towards the end of June.
The media center renovations are part of Oliver's conversion into a middle school beginning in fall 2022. We’re thankful for our community’s support to make this and other school construction projects possible!
Pool Repairs Continue at Centennial High School
We’re excited to see the progress being made on the Centennial High School pool repairs! Now that the replacement of the plumbing systems under the pool has been completed and inspected, the contractor poured the concrete pool shell. After the curing of the concrete and waterproof membrane, they will begin setting the tiles. We'll continue to keep you updated on the pool repairs and other bond projects here on our blog.
May 2022
Seismic Upgrade Work at Pleasant Valley Elementary School
Thanks to the $2.5 million Oregon Seismic Improvement Grant that Centennial was awarded, seismic upgrade work has started in the basement at Pleasant Valley Elementary School. Most of what’s happening now is preparation work, as shown in the photo below.
Once school is dismissed for the summer, new rigid plywood and shear walls will be installed at both floor levels. Also, additional anchors will be placed to further connect the floors, walls, and roof together. This summer is also when the brick replacement on the exterior of the building will begin. We’ll continue to keep you updated as the construction progresses!
Progress Continues at Four Elementary School Gyms
Gymnasium work at the four elementary school sites continues to move forward. Meadows and Patrick Lynch have gone vertical with metal framing and structural wall sheathing. Parklane recently received a concrete pour for the gym slab.
Powell Butte encountered multiple abandoned septic tanks that are being decommissioned. Formwork is expected to start for the gym foundation in late May.
We’ll continue to keep you updated on the progress of the four new elementary school gyms. Thanks so much to the community’s support for making this possible!
April 2022
Centennial High School Pool Repairs In-Progress
Pool repairs have started at Centennial High School! These repairs include draining the main pool area and saw-cutting the shell to perform selective demolition in order to replace the pump and drain lines. The pool will receive a restored shell with a ceramic tile finish for improved water-tightness and overall extended longevity with accent colors to promote school spirit. The diving board and starting stands will be replaced with OSAA compliant equipment.
In addition, the mechanical lines, pumps, filtration systems and mechanical room ventilation will be upgraded and/or replaced for improved water quality and safety. New LED lighting will be provided overhead and around the perimeter. The surrounding pool deck will be repaired and coated with an anti-slip coating for improved safety. Colored accent tiles for the pool perimeter have been selected and ordered. The pool is currently scheduled to be completed by early Fall.
Thanks to the community’s support for making this possible! We are so excited for this updated space to be available for our students and the community to enjoy.
IT Infrastructure Updates across the District
Thanks to the 2020 bond, schools are receiving various security improvements which include IT infrastructure upgrades at each of our schools. Each school’s technology network closet will support additional safety and security devices such as security cameras, intercoms, and improved fire alarm systems that are being installed at many schools. IT Infrastructure work includes:
- Mechanical ventilation equipment which will help extend the life of the network equipment;
- Physical security improvements for core network equipment and access systems; and
- Power voltage upgrades that will support upgraded school safety and security systems devices.
This work is taking place now and into the fall. Thanks to our community’s support of these improvements that will result in better security and support of technology needs at our school campuses.
Photo caption: In this photo, a framer is expanding one of the two existing technology closets at Centennial Middle School and applying plywood backers for the new security and intercom panels that will go into this space.
Centennial Middle School hosts first at-home meet on new Track and Field
On Thursday, April 7, 2022, Centennial Middle School hosted its first at-home track and field meet of the season!
The sun was shining and spirits were high as student athletes participated in the meet, which marked the first event on the new track and field event areas since they were resurfaced last summer. Parents and some furry friends were also in attendance to cheer on our athletes.
Thank you to our community for their support of the 2020 Bond that made the track and field improvements at CMS and Oliver possible.
Construction Update for the New Elementary Gyms
It’s time for an update on the four new elementary gyms that are being constructed for Meadows, Patrick Lynch, Parklane and Powell Butte elementary schools. At Meadows, the slab is placed, waterproofing has been applied, and wall framing has begun. At Patrick Lynch, the slab concrete is currently being placed. At Parklane, the foundation excavation has been started with some very large boulders that have been encountered. At Powell Butte, some old abandoned septic tanks were discovered and will have to be properly filled before construction can commence.
Meadows Elementary
Patrick Lynch Elementary
Parklane Elementary
Powell Butte Elementary
March 2022
Progress Made Over Spring Break
Over Spring Break week, multiple projects were underway across schools in our district including at:
-Pleasant Valley: Roofing inspections were conducted to prepare for roof replacement and repairs planned for this summer. Additionally, site evaluation of the basement was done to prepare for seismic improvements slated for this summer.
-Centennial Middle School: Work entailed the completion of two science lab classrooms, renovations of two science labs classrooms, installation of temperature control in main data closets, and beginning renovations of the media center.
Meadows: Concrete floors were polished in the rear corridor.
-Oliver: The Career Technical Education (CTE) labs were completed and renovations continued for the locker rooms, the media center, and science labs.
Bond Oversight Committee Meeting Update
On Thursday, March 17, 2022, the Bond Oversight Committee (BOC) met to discuss and learn about the latest progress on current and upcoming 2020 Bond projects including pool repairs, mechanical systems, security systems, elementary gyms, and more. You can find the meeting agenda here.
The purpose of the Bond Oversight Committee is to actively monitor the progress of the bond program, ensure bond revenues are used only for purposes consistent with the voter-approved 2020 bond measure and consistent with state law, and serve as a conduit of information to the Board and community.
To learn more about the BOC, visit here.
Renovations at Centennial Middle School and Oliver
As part of the bond 2020 work, renovations are taking place at Centennial Middle School (CMS) and Oliver next week during Spring Break.
Renovations at Oliver during the break include: completing one of the three new science rooms and two of the future career and technical education (CTE) labs. Also, construction will begin to convert three classrooms into the remaining two science labs, which will be completed mid-summer.
During the break, renovations at CMS include: completing two new science labs and starting construction in the two oldest science labs and the media center, which will be completed mid-summer.
Take a peek at some renderings of our middle school renovations below! Thank you to our voters support of the 2020 Bond, which is creating middle school spaces that will further benefit our students’ learning!
(From left) CMS Media Center and Science Classroom
(From left) Oliver Media Center and Science Classroom
Drainage Improvements In-Progress at Pleasant Valley Elementary School
As part of the 2020 Bond work, the District recently completed phase one of a two-phase project to improve storm water drainage at Pleasant Valley Elementary School. During phase one, the underground piping was replaced around the back side of the building in order to remedy past flooding of some of the classroom wings. Phase two, pending environmental permits, will complete the work around the front of the building and out to existing waterways. Some of you may have noticed black pipe laying on Pleasant Valley Elementary’s front lawn. That is temporary piping to mitigate historical basement flooding until phase two can be completed, at which time the piping will move underground. We will continue to share drainage improvement updates as the work progresses!
The Latest Gym Progress at Meadows, Patrick Lynch, Parklane, and Powell Butte
We are making progress on the new gym spaces at Meadows, Patrick Lynch, Parklane, and Powell Butte! The contractor has begun excavation for footings and utility lines. Formwork for the concrete has begun and underground plumbing is underway. Structural steel is currently in fabrication and set to hit the sites later this Spring.
We can’t wait for our students to enjoy these finished gyms, which we know will offer an incredible space for fitness and athletic opportunities. In the meantime, a focus on student and visitor safety is ever present with instructional signage and control fencing to separate those work activities. You may remember seeing what the gyms will look like when completed, but if not, you can find the gym renderings on our blog here or watch our gym groundbreaking video at!
February 2022
Q & A with Scott Rose
Centennial School District has received countless updates and changes at its schools, thanks to the passage of the 2020 bond. Some of this work has included extensive roof remodeling and repairs, site drainage updates, mechanical improvements, resurfaced tracks, refinished gyms, and interior and exterior renovations.
Recently, we interviewed the person who’s helping make many of these positive changes a success! Scott Rose works for R&C Management LLC and is the Owner’s Representative for Centennial School District. He has been with the district since September 2020. He works daily to support bond projects and construction, and to help ensure that the promises we make as a district come to fruition for our students and school community.
Below is the interview with Scott:
How many years of experience do you have in school construction? 33 years – 7 years as an Owner’s Representative, then 21 years on the architectural side, and now 5 years back as an Owner’s Representative.
When did you start your current role working for the Centennial School District? September 2020
Why is it important to have an Owner’s Representative/Project Manager for a school construction bond? It is critical to bring an experienced individual or team on board who has completely ran school projects from the pre-bond planning through to the close-out and warranty phases as they can put together viable work plans and know what to anticipate.
What’s been most rewarding in your experience with Centennial’s 2020 Bond projects so far? The groundbreaking ceremonies with the students.
What are you most looking forward to in the months ahead with Centennial’s 2020 Bond projects? The equitable and celebratory transformation of Oliver Elementary School into a Middle School.
What would you share with a student who’s interested in going into the construction field? I would suggest they experience all parts of a project – planning ,design, and construction. I suggest they buy materials, run against a budget and schedule, and critically review their own work. By experiencing all the fun and challenging aspects of a project, only then will they be able to see from the other person’s perspective and become an empathetic partner in the process.
What’s your favorite hobby or activity? I enjoy volunteering as a resource for caregivers that are caring for loved ones. My wife passed away from dementia, and I continue to help others caring for their loved ones.
What’s your favorite food? I enjoy authentic Mexican food – especially the handmade tamales in the summer from a local farmer’s market near me.
What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given? My wife told me to slow down and enjoy the ordinary moments of life, until they become extraordinary.
Science Room Renovations at Centennial Middle School Underway
Centennial School District moves forward with renovations at Centennial Middle School (CMS). As you will see featured in these photos of renovations in the Science Room, contractors recently installed plumbing under the concrete slab and in the walls and ceilings. They also performed selective demolition of some of the finishes and cabinetry. More work is scheduled to take place in the Science Rooms at CMS during spring break, so keep an eye out for future updates!
Within the last year, many other updates have taken place at CMS, too, including roofing repairs, flooring and interior wall updates, a new track and gym floor update, mechanical repairs, and site drainage improvements. A huge thank you to our voters of the 2020 bond for making all the updates at CMS possible! The schedule indicates completion of all work at CMS in the Fall of 2022.
January 2022
Site Work Moving Forward on the New Gyms
Work is progressing forward on the construction of new elementary school gyms for Meadows, Parklane, Patrick Lynch, and Powell Butte Elementary Schools! As you can see in some of these photos, construction includes grading the site to ensure a level base, laying down rock subgrade, footing excavation, and installing underground plumbing. Also, you may notice additional fencing on these school campuses to protect trees during construction. You may remember seeing what the gyms will look like when completed, but if not, you can find the gym renderings on our blog here or watch our gym groundbreaking video at!
Work Continues at Oliver Elementary to support transition into a Middle School
Thanks to the 2020 Bond, work continues to prepare for Oliver’s conversion into a Middle School in Fall of 2022. Over winter break, workers performed abatement on the floor, and at this time, utility and non-structural work is in progress to begin renovating the media center and science lab.
This work is in addition to work already completed this past summer including a fully replaced track, roofing work, floor tiling removed and polishing of concrete floors, updated wall coverings in all corridors, ceiling repairs. Additionally, the upper gym floor was also completely stripped, sanded, sealed, and striped. You can find highlights of these completed projects in the Report to Our ComReport to Our Community or our bond project updates page here.
STILL TO COME: Science lab renovations, media center renovations, and new career technical improvements will continue during spring break and this summer. The school will also benefit from safety and security updates, further mechanical repairs, lighting repairs, solar paneling, and paved parking.
We will continue to share Oliver construction updates as this work progresses!
Exterior Paint Complete at Parklane Elementary School
Thanks to the voters’ support of the 2020 bond, Parklane Elementary School received a fresh coat of exterior paint. Check out these photos to see the updated appearance, which was completed this Fall! Additional schools will be painted next Spring and Summer.
Structural Rehabilitation at Pleasant Valley, thanks to State grant and bond dollars
Centennial School District was awarded a $2.5 million Oregon Seismic Improvement Grant for Pleasant Valley to rehabilitate the original structure to meet current seismic safety standards. This grant will be coupled with other masonry repair bond dollars to improve safety at the school. The design is underway, including engineer-testing of the foundation as shown in these photos. Much of the building's brick and roofing will be repaired or replaced but the architecture will largely remain the same. Construction activity will run from May through September of 2022.
November 2021
Mechanical Repairs Underway in Centennial Schools
Mechanical repairs are underway across the district. Throughout the 2020 bond measure, Centennial has used local contractors to service the aging mechanical systems across the district.
The in-room units have been serviced at Centennial High School, Centennial Middle School, and Oliver Elementary School (soon-to-be Oliver Middle School). Additionally, all steam traps and valves have been repaired or replaced at these schools as well. These updates will help to better regulate heat throughout the rooms.
Repairs at the elementary schools will soon be underway.
The mechanical repairs are expected to be completed in Fall of 2022. They will provide more comfortable spaces for our students and staff, and greater energy efficiency throughout the Centennial School District.
Bond Improvements Continue Across District
Thanks to our voters' support, some schools are receiving a fresh coat of paint! In these photos, you’ll see the brightened new appearance of Butler Creek Elementary coming along!
Parklane Elementary School will be painted this Fall - pictures coming soon! Additional schools will be painted next Spring and Summer.
Gym Groundbreaking Video Premiere
WATCH IT NOW: The video premiere of our gym groundbreaking, featuring our four new elementary school gyms, went live on November 4, 2021 at 5 p.m.!
Students at these schools will benefit from dedicated spaces that help prioritize health and well-being. Stay tuned for progress updates as construction moves forward.
Click on this link to view: CSD Gym Groundbreaking Video
Thank you to our voters' support of the 2020 bond for making these new gyms a reality!
September 2021
Centennial Schools Receive Site Drainage Improvements
As part of the 2020 bond, site drainage improvements are happening at schools across the district. These improvements will result in less standing water on our school playgrounds and in parking lots.
Meadows Elementary School, Centennial Middle School, and Centennial High School have already received site drainage improvements. Flow tests are currently underway to determine if additional or larger drywells are necessary.
Pleasant Valley Elementary will receive site drainage improvements with a storm system replacement. The work will take place in two phases this fall and the next spring.
Next summer, we will address the needs at Powell Butte and Patrick Lynch elementary schools in conjunction with gymnasium additions and other related sitework.
Thanks to the voters' support for these improvements and many others as part of the 2020 bond.
New Gym Spaces coming to four Centennial Elementary Schools
Four elementary schools will be receiving new, dedicated gym spaces, thanks to the voters' support of the 2020 bond. These schools include Meadows, Patrick Lynch, Powell Butte, and Parklane. The new gyms will include an interior corridor link to the main school building.
We’ve recently highlighted the completed gym floor restorations at Centennial Middle School; Centennial High School; and Oliver Elementary School, which will transition to Oliver Middle School in 2022. These gyms are already providing essential spaces for our students to exercise, play, and have fun. And, we look forward to the new elementary school gyms that will offer the same benefits to our elementary students and provide them with rewarding fitness opportunities.
In Centennial, we know that in order to prioritize education, we must also prioritize health and well-being. In fact, regular fitness can lead to better academic outcomes.
Groundbreaking of the new gyms is scheduled to take place this fall. Stay tuned! In the meantime, we're excited to share the renderings of the new gym spaces and we will continue to provide progress updates along the way.
Once again, thank you to our voters! The funds from the 2020 bond made these projects and so many others possible.
Rendering of Meadows Elementary's new gym
Rendering of Parklane Elementary's new gym
Rendering of Patrick Lynch Elementary's new gym
Rendering of Powell Butte Elementary's new gym
Rendering of interior gym space
Rendering of interior gym space
Bond Oversight Committee Tour Schools to See Bond Progress
On Thursday, the Bond Oversight Committee met and toured various school sites to see many improvements made on bond projects over the summer. The tour began at Oliver Elementary School where members were provided comprehensive updates on extensive work done on the track and gym floors, roofs, outdoor soffit work at the front entrance, heating system repairs. They walked hallways to see flooring and interior wall updates. The next stop was Centennial Middle School where members learned about roofing repairs, explored flooring and interior wall updates, and viewed the new track and gym floors. Centennial High School was the last stop where members viewed tennis court and field improvements, heard about roofing updates, and walked the new gym floor with the new Eagles logo. We appreciate our committee members for their time and contribution to this important aspect of our 2020 bond projects! To learn more about the role of the Bond Oversight Committee, visit here.
Centennial Middle School starts the school year showcasing multiple improvements
This week we’ve started to welcome students back into our classrooms. Our latest bond project spotlight is Centennial Middle School (CMS) where many improvements were made over the summer, thanks to voters’ support of the 2020 bond.
Recently completed projects at CMS include roofing repairs, corridor updates, floor tile removal and the polishing of concrete floors, new paint on upper walls and doors, new wainscot, ceiling repairs, walk off mat installations, and mechanical improvements. All three gym floors were completely stripped, sanded, sealed, and striped due to their age.
Due to deterioration that comes with age, the track and field event pads were removed down to asphalt and replaced with modern cushioned rubber surfacing, with striping completed last Spring. It is a full 8-lane track. Field event areas were also resurfaced. Storm drainage was also improved around the track and at the center of the field to minimize standing water.
Over the next year, CMS will also receive science lab and media center renovations, locker room updates, improved safety and security, and more mechanical and lighting enhancements.
These bond projects are creating much-needed improvements at our schools, which allows us to continue prioritizing the education, safety, and well-being of our students. It’s so heartening to see transformation take place across the district. Thanks again, voters, for making this possible for our school district and most importantly, for our students!
Oliver receives updates with 2020 bond funds
As we get ready to have students back in school, change and much-needed improvements are taking place at each of our school locations, district-wide. This week, we are excited to highlight the recent updates at Oliver Elementary School as part of the $65 million bond passed by voters in 2020. As communicated previously, Oliver Elementary will be converting into a middle school starting in Fall 2022.
Oliver has received a stabilized, resurfaced, and newly striped track. The field event areas have also been resurfaced. Storm drainage has been improved around the track and in the center field to minimize standing water, and irrigation was added in the center of the field to improve playability and maintenance.
The roofing work at Oliver is complete. Floor tiling was removed, concrete floors polished, and wall coverings in all corridors were updated; ceilings were repaired; recessed walk off-mats were installed at each entry; and a welcome sign was stained into the lobby floor to greet staff, students, and parents.
In addition, the upper gym floor was completely stripped, sanded, sealed, and striped, and will be open for use for the first day of school. And, mechanical improvements have been underway to better control heat distribution throughout the school.
Oliver will also receive science lab renovations, media center renovations, and new career technical improvements over the next 12 months, as part of Oliver’s conversion from an elementary to middle school.
The school will also benefit from safety and security updates, further mechanical repairs, lighting repairs, solar paneling, and paved parking in the coming year.
Thank you, voters, for supporting the 2020 bond that’s resulting in much needed improvements to our school buildings. Visit here to continue along with progress and bond project updates.
August 2021
Bond Project highlights at Centennial High School
This week we are excited to highlight the updates and improvements taking place at Centennial High School (CHS) with the passage of the $65 million bond passed by voters in 2020.
The wood floors in the CHS main gym were stripped, sanded, repaired, sealed, and striped. The striping included a large center Eagles logo. In addition, CHS is receiving roof repairs, which are nearing completion, and 6 new tennis courts to replace the existing tennis courts. These courts are scheduled to be finished this fall and will have improved drainage, ADA accessibility, lighting, and a modern cushioned surface.
Future CHS bond projects (to take place next Spring and Summer) will include:
-Mechanical system and controls improvements
-Replacement lighting
-Expanded safety & security systems (access and cameras)
-Pool building repairs
Bond projects continue to progress: Pleasant Valley Elementary School benefits from new flooring
Bond projects continue to progress forward as we are getting ready for the school year to begin! Pleasant Valley Elementary School received new flooring throughout the building as part of the many construction projects taking place with the passage of the $65 million bond passed by voters in 2020. The new flooring at Pleasant Valley Elementary School includes classrooms, the front office spaces, and the media center.
Promises Made, Promises Kept: CSD 2020 Bond Updates
If you’ve passed by many of our school buildings recently, you may have noticed construction taking place as part of the passage of the $65 million bond passed by voters in May, 2020.
Projects occurring this summer include:
• Extensive Roof Repairs at Centennial High School, Centennial Middle School, and Oliver Elementary
• Tennis Court Replacement at Centennial High School
• New tracks at Oliver & Centennial Middle School
• Extensive Flooring and Hazard Abatement at Pleasant Valley, Oliver & Centennial Middle School
• Gym Floor Refinishing at Centennial High School, Centennial Middle School, and Oliver
Additional projects we will be completing over the next 15 months:
• New Gymnasium Groundbreaking at Meadows, Patrick Lynch,
• Parklane, and Powell Butte Elementary Schools
• Extensive Centennial High School Pool repairs
• Security Improvements at all schools
• Lighting and Energy Improvements at all schools
• Ventilation and Mechanical Improvements at all schools
• Site Drainage Improvements at all schools
We want to again thank voters for supporting the bond. Your investment in our facilities will pay dividends for our students, families and the entire community for decades to come.
January 2024
Centennial schools are receiving updates to their exterior lighting across the buildings and parking areas to ensure that these areas are well-illuminated.
Recently, Centennial High School welcomed 36 new dual-purpose LED illuminated safety bollards as part of the recent safety and security exterior lighting improvement components to the school.
The fixtures were funded as part of the voter-approved 2020 Bond below-the-line projects. The new bollards replaced the previous failing and broken exterior fixtures in front of the main entrance, auditorium, pool, and gymnasium.