Collaborating in Community - Cultivating Equity - Inspiring Excellence
The WOW Committee is dedicated to our Centennial staff, students and families to work, live, play, and thrive.
The WOW Committee is committed to supporting a healthy school and community environment. Research shows that students (and adults) are better academic students when they have access to nutritious foods, physical activity, and live in an environment that promotes health and wellness. The WOW will be implementing a new grant from the CDC and ODE called Oregon Healthy Schools incorporating the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model of wellness. We will be using the School Health Index (SHI) to assess each component of the WSCC and identify our priority areas. Our overall goals are to increase the number of students who consume nutritious foods, increase the number of students who participate in daily PE/PA, and increase the number of students who can effectively manage their chronic health conditions.
The WOW February Challenge slide has lots of great resources for staff wellness. Click around to explore them all.
Explore the wellness programs offereed through both MODA and Kaiser to find the right resources for your needs.