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Unfinished Learning Plan (ESSER)

ESSER Fund Allocations and Unfinished Learning Plan

Summary Report - October 20, 2021

The intent of the Elementary & Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds is to support the safety of students and staff and the needs of students (academic, socially, and emotionally) during the COVID-19 pandemic. These are limited funds that can be used for specific purposes only.

In Fall 2021, Centennial School District reached out to over 80 students and families through empathy interviews to hear their stories about how the pandemic has impacted them and to learn about students' academic and social emotional needs. This feedback was compiled along with the themes that emerged in the community engagement process during the Student Investment Act needs assessment.

Themes from the SIA Community Engagement in Spring of 2020


  • Teacher training for working with diverse students
  • Teacher training for teaching bilingual students
  • Smaller class sizes to allow teachers and students to build relationships


  • More attention to equity and cultural responsiveness
  • Upgrading facilities
  • Reducing class size
  • More electives, including sports


Themes from Interviews

From Parents/Guardians

From Students


Acknowledgement to parents and students about effort and accomplishments



More hands on activities, manipulatives and high levels of engagement



Minimize the anxiety of learning



Student voice 



Inclusion and belonging



Feel wanted, cared about through adult to student interactions



Engaging curriculum materials, quality materials


Part of the community, wanting to feel seen and heard

Feel support and connection with family and community agencies we partner with

Connections with students whom they have an affinity

Commitment to giving all students access and opportunity to success at their grade level

Students preferred learning beyond the textbook. (HANDS ON, Real World, arts, science experience...multiple ways to apply learning)

Use of time to increase care and connection

Making school a safe place to make mistakes and ask questions

Know your students, embed and reflect on teaching practices, intentional planning to make these connections, generate a philosophy with relationships in mind (forefront)

Using a curriculum that embeds language support for all students

Make time to connect




Advisory Committee

An Advisory Committee was convened representing a variety of roles in Fall 2021. The Committee included classroom teachers, special education staff, specialists, EL specialists, counselors, school administrators, district administrators, labor partner representatives (CEA and OSEA), and community partners.

The Advisory Committee engaged in the following:

  • Connecting the state funding initiatives with Destination 2023
  • Visioning through our equity lens and staying focused on the learner
  • Connecting with families and students through empathy interviews
  • Honoring the previous SIA planning information
  • Analyzing over 80 empathy interviews to identify themes connected and relevant to Destination 2023
  • Performing a match/gap analysis between the needs of families and students with current actions and needs
  • Prioritizing existing actions, considering additional actions

The result of this work is captured in the following document and plan:

* Activities identified for both 2021-22 and 2022-23

* Activities for the 2023-24 School Year Coming Soon!  

2021-2022: $3.5 M

Materials or Services




ELA *Adoption

Centennial Licensed Subs

*Universal Design for Learning


*Tutoring & Home Visits


ELD *Adoption

Contracted Service for Educational Assistants


*Planning for Responsive Classrooms



*Affinity Spaces 



*ODE Required Recovery Services for Students with Disabilities



Itinerant EA Subs 



*Staff Wellness





Expanded Contracts w/ Mental Health Providers 






Full Time Instructional Coaches




  • ELA Adoption: Supplement allocated general funds to enhance materials adoption serving to strengthen core language arts instruction for students.

    ELD Adoption: Supplement allocated general funds to enhance English Language Development materials adoption serving to strengthen language instruction for language learners.

    ODE Required Recovery Services for Students with Disabilities: During the 2021-22 school year, each student’s IEP team will need to review data to determine student needs. Teams will discuss whether or not students engaged in CDL and/or Hybrid, what progress or regression was noted and what services will be provided to address the needs. Services could include: increasing specially designed instruction, tutoring, services over the summer, etc.

    Centennial Licensed Subs: One or more dedicated licensed substitutes, employed by Centennial School District for each District school to mitigate the impact of current substitute shortage which has impacted specialized services for historically underserved students due to the need to place specialists (ELD, Title I, Special Education, Counselors, etc.) into classrooms to staff unfilled substitute vacancies.

    Contracted Service for Educational Assistants: The district will work with an agency specializing in providing services to students with disabilities. The positions will be provided to some of our special education classrooms.

    Itinerant EA Subs: Dedicated Centennial Substitutes through substitute provider ESS to mitigate the impact of current substitute shortage which has impacted specialized services for students receiving special education services due to unfilled substitute vacancies.

    Expanded Contracts w/ Mental Health Providers: The district will work with current providers as well as local providers who specialize in culturally specific providers to provide preventative services as well as individual clinical services during school hours.

    Full Time Instructional Coaches: As a high leverage professional development coaches provide time, space, resources and coaching expertise to educators developing culturally responsive instructional practices

    Universal Design for Learning - An approach to teaching and learning that gives all students equal opportunity to succeed includes Strategies includes multiple means of engagement, representation (or how students take in information) and Action/Expression.

    Planning for Responsive Classroom - Includes training and implementation of teacher practices that acknowledge and embrace students' cultures, languages and experiences - and relates them to classroom learning.

    Staff Wellness. workplace health promotion activities or organizational structures designed to support healthy behavior in the workplace and to improve health outcomes.

    Tutoring and Home Visits: For students who are credit deficient or not attending school, staff will conduct home visits to determine specific needs and options to re-engage with school.

    Affinity Spaces: Potentially contract with a local organization to facilitate racial and/or other self-selected identity spaces for staff. Training provided to staff who will then facilitate spaces for students.

    Playworks: Playworks works with schools to design curriculum and activities that offer play opportunities during recess, lunch and after school programs. Trained coaches work in schools to run a variety of games and sports, as well as teach techniques in group management, violence prevention and conflict resolution.

    Human Resources Support: Provides additional bandwidth for recruiting, hiring, and retention strategies, with particular emphasis on supporting staff diversification.

2022-2023 - $2.0 M

Materials or Services




Math *Adoption

Added HR Support

*Universal Design for Learning

*Tutoring & Home Visits

*ODE Required Recovery Services for Students with Disabilities

Educational Assistants

*Planning for Responsive Classroom

*Affinity Spaces


Teachers on Special Assignment (TOSA)

*Staff Wellness

Collaboration Days





  • ELA Adoption: Supplement allocated general funds to enhance materials adoption serving to strengthen core language arts instruction for students.

    ODE Required Recovery Services for Students with Disabilities: During the 2021-22 school year, each student’s IEP team will need to review data to determine student needs. Teams will discuss whether or not students engaged in CDL and/or Hybrid, what progress or regression was noted and what services will be provided to address the needs. Services could include: increasing specially designed instruction, tutoring, services over the summer, etc.

    Added Human Resource Support: Provides additional bandwidth for recruiting, hiring, and retention strategies, with particular emphasis on supporting staff diversification.

    Educational Assistants: Provide increased time, care, connection, and instructional supports for students

    Teachers on Special Assignment: Provide technical and consultative support in curriculum, instruction and assessment specific to culturally responsive practices.

    Playworks: Playworks works with schools to design curriculum and activities that offer play opportunities during recess, lunch and after school programs. Trained coaches work in schools to run a variety of games and sports, as well as teach techniques in group management, violence prevention and conflict resolution.

    Universal Design for Learning” An approach to teaching and learning that gives all students equal opportunity to succeed includes Strategies includes multiple means of engagement, representation (or how students take in information) and Action/Expression.

    Planning for Responsive Classroom: Includes training and implementation of teacher practices that acknowledge and embrace students' cultures, languages and experiences - and relates them to classroom learning.

    Staff Wellness: workplace health promotion activities or organizational structures designed to support healthy behavior in the workplace and to improve health outcomes.

    Tutoring & Home Visits: For students who are credit deficient or not attending school, staff will conduct home visits to determine specific needs and options to re-engage with school.

    Affinity Spaces: Potentially contract with a local organization to facilitate racial and/or other self-selected identity spaces for staff.

    Training provided to staff who will then facilitate spaces for students.

    Collaboration Days: Educators need time and space to meet the unique needs of students and provide additional support beyond the contracted day to meet our families needs.

* Activities identified for both 2021-22 and 2022-23

Please send additional comments and further feedback or questions to

CSD School Board Unfinished Learning Plan: October 13, 2021

CSD School Board October 13, 2021 Meeting Minutes

Presenter/Staff Contact:
Paul Southerton, Director of Business and Operations
Maureen Callahan, Director of Curriculum and Student Learning

Additional documents:

ESSER III District Integrated Planning Tool (IPT)